a "Repeat list" displaying "1, 2, 4, 5, 7" indicates that the volta is to be played during repeats 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7, and so on. More complex repeats are also possible: e.g.

Select the volta, and edit the properties in the Text Line Core section of the Inspector. To make fine adjustments to the visual start or end points, without affecting playback, use other keyboard arrow commands, or drag the handles with a mouse. The Shift commands change the anchor point so playback always remains in sync with the visual start/end points. This anchor shows the position of the playback start/end points of the Volta. Note: When you select a start or end handle, a dashed line appears connecting it to an anchor point on the staff (see diagram, below). Press Shift+ ← to move the handle backward one measure. Press Shift+ → to move the end handle forward one measure.The end handle is automatically selected. To change the number of measures that a volta covers Drag-and-drop a volta from the Lines palette, then adjust the length as required (see below).Select a measure, or range of measures and click a Volta icon in the Lines palette (double-click in versions prior to 3.4).Score playback automatically follows the repeat indications. Volta brackets, or first and second ending brackets, are lines used to mark different endings for a simple repeat.